Canna Do's & Don'ts

It’s not a secret that those who visit Colorado are also interested in experimenting with other recreational activities the state has to offer. 

In honor of 4/20, here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to make sure you have the best mile high experience. 

  1. Do bring a valid ID and cash.
  2. Do your research online about who has the best deals and sales.
  3. Do decide on what kind of product you’d like to purchase ahead of time. The times have changed, and there's more than plants and brownies now. 
  4. Do wear your mask as it is still required in the state of Colorado.
  5. Do expect to wait.
  6. Do tip your bud-tenders.
  7. Do consume responsibly. Read all labels to make sure you don't over do it. 
  8. Do have fun!
  9. Do keep goods away from minors.
  10. Don’t drive while using or under the influence.
  11. Do be aware if you are in a state or federal park as Mary Jane is not federally legal (not yet anyways!)
  12. Don’t litter - dispose of trash in the proper receptacles.
  13. Do come back to Colorado :) 

Let me know what else this list is missing!

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